GSoC Coding Phase 2 ends
Coding Phase 2
Coding phase 2 has come to an end, I worked almost everyday in this phase, I finished lots of work including the one which was left over in phase 1. Though I tried to complete all the tasks as planned, there were a couple of issues left over which would take some extra time.Week 3:
I worked on "Adding Team class" in IGitt, which was a little tricky one because GitLab doesn't have teams. So, assuming GitLab groups(which actually represent organization) as teams was a workaround for the problem.Then I added a feature "Auto assign issues based on commit mention in PR". When any user opens a PR(pull request) and mentions issues, which are being closed or fixed, in commit message, GitMate automatically assigns PR author to the mentioned unassigned issues and if anyone else is assigned to mentioned issues, GitMate will inform the user to work on other issues. You can check out my merged MR here.
Week 4:
I made a PR on adding `mergeable` property in pull request in IGitt. `mergeable` property represents if PR has merge conflicts or not. This property is required for "Auto-review merge-conflicts" feature to be implemented in GitMate.I worked on adding feature "Notify merge conflicts in a PR". When a user updates PR, GitMate will check for merge conflicts in it and if there are any conflicts, PR will marked with a certain label and
a help message will be posted on the PR.
Currently, coala code analysis plugin in GitMate just comments required changes needed on the commit and leaves it there, but PR will be still in the review queue, so I made changes to existing plugin, so that it will be remove "pending review" label and mark "work in progress" label on the PR.
I redesigned the "Assign plugin" model, so that it isn't based on teams, but based on a increasing difficulty order, so that a user can be assigned to a certain difficulty level issue only if user has solved lower difficulty level issues first.
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