GSoC coding Phase 1 ends

Coding Phase 1

Week 4

Fixes vs Closes:

I started working on adding a new feature in existing pull request(PR) auto review plugin, called "Fixes vs Closes checking". In coala, for every PR we make, we have to mention which issues we are trying solve, in commit message. We should use `Fixes issue_link`, if we are fixing a issue which has a `type/bug` label and use `Closes issue_link` if we are closing a issue which doesn't have a `type/bug` label. So, I have written code to do this automatically by GitMate, if commit message doesn't follow the guideline, then GitMate will remove the PR from review queue by removing `pending review' label, adding `work in progress` label to the PR and configurable comment will be added on the PR explaining what was done wrong. I have also made  IGitt enhancement to know which keywords(Fixes, Closes) referenced which issues. 

PR Rejector:

I mentioned in the previous blog post about having some issues with testing migrations while working with PR rejector plugin, Naveen(my mentor) fixed that error and my PR got merged. One of GitMate users asked for feature disabling PRs with a comment in GitHub. As per the request I worked on adding a regex option for branch names, so that user can give a regex that matches anything and any PR opened will be closed and GitMate will comment on the PR as configured by the user.


As I said in the previous, I have written code for GitMate responding to comments requesting for squashing commits in the PRs. In this week, I started writing code for running squash command, in mr-rebaser, which clones repo of user and perform required operations on the repo and push it to the user repo in the name of GitMate-bot. Most of the code was completed, but there were some errors regarding giving commit message via command line and splitting command line arguments as needed.

I worked a lot on adding different plugins this week and faced several errors, making me learn a lot of new things. As always Naveen helped whenever needed throughout the week. I submitted my first evaluation of the mentors and I will be receiving the same from my mentors. With this Google Summer of Code(GSoC) Coding Phase 1 has ended. Let's see if I will pass my first evaluations and continue to phase 2 or not, in my next blog post.


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